What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions


Its a book by the author of XKCD. A book by Randall Munroe.

For those who do not know Randall Munroe, he is the person behind XKCD. It is a web comics that the nerds love and worship. I would bet that you have came across it without knowing it is actually from XKCD. The comics are mostly very nerdy, with a strong taste of sarcasm, but mostly nerdy in a way that make you feel good yourself when you understand the joke.

The book brings you to a journey of absurd what if questions, and answer them in the most serious way; using math and physics formula that I don't understand to find out the possible result. Realistically, you would not learn anything useful reading this book, but you could probably memorize some of the weird ones and make yourself sounds hilarious.

This is a entertaining read that you can slot in between your busy serious non-fiction to-read-list. It is not long and some silly chapters can make your day. I would recommend it and probably read the author's other creation as well.