
Setup Queue Job for Laravel 8

Last time we configure our Laravel app to send email when an error exception is encountered. Let's enhance it by configuring the email sending into a queue job.

Exception Reporting Email for Laravel 8

Laravel has a good exception reporting function built in. However, the documentation for error handling does not have instruction on sending error exceptions using email.

One Small Habit to Boost Productivity

I have been procrastinate a lot. Seriously, I procrastinate to an unhealthy level that poses a dangerous threat to my life. For context, I would only study a few hours before big final exam, and apparently studying right before exam will not help you excel it.

How to Price Your Service as a Freelancer

I was fortunate enough to have an opportunity to become a freelancer since a year ago. Since then, one question that keep on bugging me is how would I price my customers. For me, my freelance business is mostly about creating a website for my customer, but sometimes it accompanied with some design work. This is where the pricing issue comes in. Design work is very subjective. Your customer might not agree with your design philosophy and might cause them to disagree with your pricing. This is not limited to design work, what about consultancy, social media handling and other intangible services?

Working at a Startup as an Intern

Over the past three months, I was lucky enough to join a tech startup company as an intern. This was not my first working experience, but my first time working in a startup. A startup environment could be vastly different from an established corporate, and there are also ups and downs come along with it. For me, working as an intern is really all about learning new things, which are not limited to technical skills, but also soft skills that needed to communicate and collaborate with other people.

Best Tool for Learning Web Developing

When you first started learning web developing, have you startled by the amount of work you have to do on the back end? So you go and rent a cheap VPS, wasted a lot of time to choose a Linux flavor, struggling to install LAMP stack, configuring all sort of things and finally. Finally, when you are done with all this chores, you are already worn out, losing interest on learning. This is not fun as they promise, at all!

The Future of Aircraft Inspection

This is the year 2017, aviation industry is thriving as it has never been, technology is advancing at a speed it never been. Applying the latest technology on aviation industry is exciting; most of what we could only imagine in the past is now within our reach.

Why humans will not replaced by robots

Recently, there are so many articles, videos, discussion about automation replacing human flooding all over social medias, and this has caught my attention.