Prisoners of Geography - Ten Maps That Tell You Everything You Need To Know About Global Politics


This is a very interesting book, if you are into geopolitics. A book by Tim Marshall.

There are 10 main chapters, in each of the chapter it introduces a geographical region and the surrounding political issues. What makes it such an enjoying read is the new perspective it gives. We have been taught the world map as it is since young, but the formation of nations' border is never clearly explained. It might because it is a sensitive topic that involves politics and racial tension, or it might just because all state borders are simply not a fact.

The book clearly convey the message of border is just a mental construct. Mother nature doesn't discriminate. Tribes from ancient time move around as they see please. Even though some of the tribes band together and form nations, most of them do not have distinct border, only sphere of influence. It was only until the colonial powers and their descendants arrived.

Without any regards of local culture, the tribe, race, religion and local geopolitics, those western power divide land as their own territories at a whim. The unnatural borders at Africa, Middle East and the Korea peninsula. Actions like these are bound to cause destruction, and we are bearing the consequences. The book clearly describe the struggle at those unstable region and gave an idea of how the problem will continue onwards.

This is definitely a book worthy of your time.