The Economists' Hour - False Prophets, Free Markets, and the Fracture of Society


Now we know who are responsible for all the failed economies. A book by Binyamin Appelbaum.

This book is a biography, not for a person but the modern economy itself. Which one is scarier? An army with tanks and guns or an economist with political influence? All the conflicts, the struggles and progression are closely related to the formation of modern economy.

Good economic policies could potentially earn the nation incredible power and leverage. Take a look at Taiwan, it was the early decision to pivot into silicon chip manufacturing and government supported research that made her into global chip manufacturing leader. China is an economic miracle itself. Even with hundred times lesser population, Taiwan could still trade blows with China on multiple economical front. No army could achieve this feat.

Bad economic policies, or following the 'advice' from the capitalistic US economic advisor, who promised to bring unimaginable wealth, become unstable, just like Chile. The Chicago boys who blindly follow Milton Friedman leads their nation into economic suicide.

From the declining life expectancy of the poor, widening wage gaps and financial crisis, economists hold great power. This book correctly portrayed how our modern world is shaped by economists, in some cases the stability of society become a great experiment ground just so they can prove themselves right.

This book does not requires great deal of economics knowledge. Even I have no prior knowledge on it, the book has been a great enjoyable read. Definitely recommend to everyone especially those who likes history, politics and economics.