Steal Like an Artist


Meaningful but lack of depth. A book by Austin Kleon.

This book is short and concise, the writing approach is more like talking with you than telling you something. Reading this book felt very much like attending a motivational speech. The speaker gets attention from audience and tried to deliver a whole life lesson in limited time allocated. The speaker has to touch on all the subject he would like to share, but ultimately there just isn't enough time to connect with the audience on a higher level.

The book is good at conveying the core message. But that's all to it. The core message is meaningful, but the lack of depth makes it hard to leave a deeper impact on my mind. Personally, I would like reads that take you on a journey, there is no need to rush anything, and just follow the author's pace to the destination. I felt like reading a book is similar to match your thinking into the same plane as the author, where the length of a book certainly help.

This book is good for someone who are in the a cross road of life, where you don't know what you are doing and what forward. This book can give you the courage to kickstart your life. It gives you meaning for what you struggling with life right now, it allows you to free yourself from all the mental burden you put on yourself.

In one of the chapter, the advice of creating solitary to let yourself have time and space to think is really useful. I have been using this method for quite a while, it helps me read, think and sort through a lot of things. I would sometimes take a longer bus ride or alight a few MRT stops before my destination, so that I can take long walk and have time to my own.

Whether you are in need of the wonder or self-help book or not, this book is a short read worth picking up.