Why humans will not replaced by robots


Recently, there are so many articles, videos, discussion about automation replacing human flooding all over social medias, and this has caught my attention.

** Originally published on LinkedIn

Recently, there are so many articles, videos, discussion about automation replacing human flooding all over social medias, and this has caught my attention.

There are no denying that more and more tasks have been replace by automated process. In fact, Foxconn Technology in China replaced 60,000 factory workers with robots last year, Amazon is trying to deliver package using automated drone, Carrier is automating manufacturing plants despite its promises.

However, among all the jobs that are being replaced, they have a common feature, which the workers are required to do routine task, day by day, month by month, year by year and eventually replaced by machine.

It has almost been two centuries since the booming of industrial revolution, millions of jobs have been replaced by machine. Because machines can do routine task at its finest, where humans are bad at. Yet, millions of jobs are being created and these jobs are less routine, more cognitive. Today, as of 2017, we are in the same scenario as before, millions of jobs will disappeared, and millions of jobs will emerge, or at least until somebody create a fully self aware artificial intelligence.

So what this means or how does it impact the millennial? Many have expressed their negative thought about fear of losing jobs, but no, I am not one of them. As a millennial, I felt that this is the perfect opportunity for us to grow, to reach out as many as we want and to show everybody what we think.

Our generation is at a highway ramp, we are not too old to equip new skills and adapt, and also not too young to be truly independence from our parents. We are no longer limit by our physical ability, we can work where we want, and we have the power to shape the world as we desire.

In this world of saturation, what really valuable from us is the creativity of us.

If one still unclear about the future, it is the mindset that blocking us to reach it. We need to transform ourselves and be future proof. We learn what will be needed in the future.

I believe we have the utmost advantage to be in charge of the world in the next few decade, if we prepare ourselves from now. At least, before Skynet appears.