The Midnight Library


A book that teaches you to cherish your life.

** Spoiler alert

The story is about a girl who suffered from depression, decided to take her own life and went to a place called Midnight Library. In the library, she can live any life she can imagine of, as long as it is a possibility that could happen in her life. She experienced many of them, however she could not stay in any one of them for long. Every life, in the end, she goes back to the Midnight Library. Eventually, she did not want to die anymore, and she went back to her original life, and try her best to live in it.

The plot of the novel can be considered cliché, yet it is very captivating. In many of her lives, while she is pretending to be herself, there are so much secondhand embarrassment. It makes me feel so stress to think that she would get caught. I wonder how thick a person face need to be to naturally lives other person's live, and I meant it in a good way, I am impressed.

I would recommend this book. After all the pretending from living other lives, when she returned to her original live, I felt all kinds of relief, all the cringe and embarrassment are worth it.